Don’t let your fingers get ahead of your brain if you add a chat service to your website.
It’s important to know how to keep your range compliant when it comes to lead and other hazardous materials.
You’ve heard all the groans when announcing everyone needs to gather in the conference room. But well-planned staff meetings will make your business better.
Complying with ADA regulations isn’t just a requirement — it’s an opportunity.
They can be a challenge, but if you handle your 18- to 36-year-old crew members wisely, you’ll have a smart, capable, and eager workforce.
Have a few unhappy customers made it their business to burn you through website or social media complaints? Here’s how you can turn around your online reputation.
You want to answer all of their questions, but you want to dispense the information and get on with the day.
Streamlight was once a small company, but it has grown into a global provider of flashlights, lanterns and headlamps.
To develop a happy sales associate, simplify your approach to onboarding and follow lessons with hands-on learning.
Information on your business, your competitors, your environment and your customers will help you better manage your store.
Follow these 7 steps to make sure people see you and your business in a positive light and keep shopping.
Constant change is the one thing you can expect in a business environment. Be prepared to handle any crisis thrown at you.
An employee’s age doesn’t affect their engagement with your company as much as how long they’ve been on the job does.
Meeting with employees individually fosters accountability and shows appreciation.
Showing appreciation for a job well-done by your workers or loyalty by your customers is a good thing. And sometimes you can do it pre-emptively.
The social media landscape is crowded and not all that gun-friendly, but there might be one network you’ve overlooked: LinkedIn.
The government is a great customer for anyone in the firearms industry, but procuring their business can be complicated.
Operating a small business with no technology staff means poaching valuable work time to keep systems current. Here are some tips for a smooth upgrade.
The legalization of cannabis in some states has muddied the waters when it comes to employee drug testing.