The Safariland Ballast Advanced Duty Holster features a lightweight and durable design that stands up to the toughest conditions. A proprietary crush-resistant design shields Ballast’s internal components and, unique to the Ballast, a new ingress guard to mitigate access inside the holster. With a minimalist footprint, the Ballast maximizes duty belt efficiency, allowing patrol officers to carry full-size firearms without sacrificing belt space. An internalized ALS lever lock spring shields the core security mechanism of the Ballast. The textured ALS lever allows for improved thumb contact ergonomics. Other features include red-dot sight compatibility, redesigned cantable belt mount and open muzzle design for easy pass-through of debris. MSRP: $222.50
Safariland Ballast Duty-Rated Holster System
The Ballast is Safariland’s most advanced duty holster for law enforcement professionals.
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