Interview: Dickinson Arms

Blending traditional craftsmanship and innovation has been a recipe for success for Dickinson Arms.

Interview: Dickinson Arms

Aykut (Ike) Bekmez, an expert in the firearms industry, is the Business Development Manager at Dickinson Arms, a renowned company with a rich history and a strong presence in today’s marketplace. Though the company is known for its extensive shotgun selection, it has also branched out into other models in the tactical space. 

Tactical Retailer spoke with Ike about the company’s history and its future as well as where he sees the firearms industry heading. 

Can you talk a little bit about the company’s history and its position in today’s marketplace? What sets Dickinson apart? 

Dickinson has a storied history rooted in a dedication to craftsmanship and innovation. Since its inception, the company has grown from a small manufacturer to a prominent player in the firearms industry. Today, Dickinson is recognized for its quality shotguns and commitment to meeting the needs of various market segments, making it a respected name among enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Dickinson is known for its blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern manufacturing. This combination results in high-quality, reliable, and innovative firearms. Our commitment to rigorous testing and quality control ensures that every product meets high standards, offering excellent performance and durability.

Does having factories in Turkey and distribution in Texas give Dickinson a greater ability to serve different segments of the U.S. firearms market?

Absolutely. Our factories in Turkey and distribution in Texas allow us to cater to a wide range of customer needs. The Turkish facility benefits from a long tradition of firearms manufacturing, providing high-quality craftsmanship at competitive prices. Meanwhile, our Texas distribution helps us respond more swiftly to the specific demands of the U.S. market, ensuring faster delivery times and greater customization options. This dual-facility approach enhances our ability to serve different market segments effectively.

Do you have any Prediction on what we can expect out of the shooting industry in general in the next year? The next five years?

In the next year, we expect continued growth in sport shooting and technological advancements in firearms. Over the next five years, customization and modularity will likely become more popular, allowing shooters to personalize their firearms. Additionally, we anticipate a greater focus on sustainable and environmentally friendly manufacturing practices. We are adapting by implementing greener production methods and ensuring our supply chains are as sustainable as possible.

Where does Dickinson see potential for growth? How about non-growth? Is there part of the industry that's shrinking?

Dickinson sees growth potential in the sporting and competitive shooting markets, as well as in international markets. Areas with less growth include traditional hunting shotguns, where demand has stabilized. However, the youth market for shooting sports is growing, with more programs aimed at introducing young people to the sport.

Tell us a little about what you’re doing in 2024 and what products have you most excited for the future.

In 2024, we are focusing on expanding our product line to include more versatile and high-performance firearms. We are particularly excited about our new range of 1911 pistols, which blend classic design with modern enhancements. These pistols are designed to appeal to both traditionalists and new shooters. Additionally, we are working on several advanced shotgun models that incorporate the latest in materials and ergonomics to improve the user experience.

You’ve built your reputation largely around a broad line of shotguns. Does that create challenges or more opportunities for new launches like the 1911s?

We decided to expand into 1911 pistols to diversify our product line and meet the demand for high-quality handguns. The 1911 is a classic, popular among enthusiasts. By applying our expertise in manufacturing and quality control, we created a reliable and well-crafted pistol, appealing to a broader audience.

While it does present some challenges in terms of market perception, our strong reputation in shotguns also opens up significant opportunities. Our established brand credibility allows us to introduce new products with a built-in level of trust and interest from our customer base. We believe that our commitment to quality and innovation will translate well across different product categories.

What does the future look like for Dickinson? Are you looking to further expand your offerings?

The future for Dickinson is bright, with plans to expand our offerings further. We aim to diversify our product portfolio to include more firearms types and accessories, catering to a broader audience. We also plan to enhance our global footprint by exploring new markets and strengthening our presence in existing ones. Continuous innovation and customer satisfaction remain at the core of our growth strategy.

What sort of product testing do you do?

Our product testing is thorough and extensive. We conduct stress tests, endurance tests and accuracy tests under various conditions. Experienced shooters perform field tests to identify and fix any issues. We also incorporate feedback from customers and professionals to continuously improve our products.

Beyond business, how does Dickinson support the shooting sports?

Dickinson is deeply committed to supporting the shooting sports community. We sponsor various events and competitions, provide educational resources, and work closely with shooting clubs to promote safe and responsible gun ownership. Our goal is to foster a strong and supportive community around shooting sports, encouraging participation and excellence at all levels.

What sort of product and marketing support does Dickinson provide for its retailers? Are there any incentives or programs for new partners?

We offer comprehensive support for our retailers, including marketing materials, training programs, and dedicated account management. Our incentive programs for new partners include promotional discounts, co-op advertising opportunities, and performance-based rebates. We strive to build strong, mutually beneficial relationships with our retail partners, ensuring they have the tools and support needed to succeed.

Do you have any advice for retailers about selling Dickinson products specifically?

Retailers should emphasize Dickinson’s quality, reliability and value. Highlight features like ease of use, durability and our commitment to customer satisfaction. Providing hands-on demonstrations and educational materials can enhance the sales experience and help customers appreciate the unique qualities of Dickinson firearms.

Is there anything else you’d like retailers to know about Dickinson and its products?

Retailers should know that Dickinson is committed to exceptional customer service, comprehensive product training, and marketing support. Our dedication to innovation and quality ensures that every Dickinson firearm offers great value. Partnering with Dickinson means offering products that meet diverse customer needs and benefiting from our strong reputation.



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